As the world of esports continues to grow, it's important for both players and viewers to un
As the world of esports continues to grow, it's important for both players and viewers to understand the commonly used English terms during these games. Whether you're an avid gamer or just starting to dive into the world of esports, understanding these terms will help you communicate effectively and navigate through the game with ease.
Gameplay Terminology
One of the most important aspects of any esports game is the gameplay mechanics. Here are some of the most common gaming terms you might hear during gameplay:
AFK: Away from Keyboard. This term is used when a player steps away from the game while it's still running.
Camp: This is a strategy where players stay in a particular part of the map, waiting for an enemy player to appear, with the goal of taking them down.
Cooldown: This refers to the wait time required before a player can use an ability or item again.
Creep: In games like Dota 2 and League of Legends, creeps are non-player characters that spawn regularly and can provide the player with experience and gold.
Kiting: This is a strategy where players attack and then run away from an enemy, causing them to chase after them, making them vulnerable to attacks.
Nerf: This refers to reducing the power or effectiveness of a character or item in the game.
OP: Overpowered. This term is used when something is too strong or broken in the game.
Poke: In games like Overwatch, poke refers to damaging enemy players from a distance, before engaging in close combat.
Communication Terminology
In esports, communication is key to success. Here are some commonly used terms:
Comms: Short for communications. This term refers to the ability to communicate with your teammates.
GG: Good Game. This term is used to congratulate your opponents at the end of the game.
GLHF: Good Luck, Have Fun. This term is used at the beginning of the game as good sportsmanship.
Rekt: This is used to describe when a player or team has been destroyed or defeated.
Shotcaller: The player who makes the strategic decisions and calls out commands during the game.
Solo queue: This refers to playing the game alone, without a team.
Toxic: This describes a player who is abusive or negative towards other players on their team.
Wombo Combo: This refers to a combination of abilities from different characters that can create a devastating effect on the enemy team.
Equipment Terminology
Esports players spend a lot of time with their equipment, so it's important to understand the terms used to describe it:
Console: The device used to play games.
Controller: The device used to control the game, often with buttons and thumbsticks.
Headset: A device worn over the ears that allows the player to hear in-game sounds and communicate with their team.
Mousepad: A pad used to provide a smooth surface for the mouse to move on.
Peripheral: Any device that is connected to the computer or console to enhance gameplay, such as a headset or mouse.
Resolution: The number of pixels on the screen, often described in terms of height x width.
Refresh Rate: The number of times the screen refreshes per second, measured in Hz.
Response Time: The time it takes for an input from the player to be registered on the screen.
These are just a few of the many terms used in esports. Whether you're a player or a fan, understanding these terms will help you communicate effectively and navigate through the game with ease. As the world of esports continues to grow, there will be new terms and phrases to learn, but by starting with these basics, you'll be well on your way to becoming an esports expert.